For many of us, sibling relationships are the longest-lasting bonds, surpassing even those with parents, partners, or friends. As a result, siblings often find themselves in the “club-sandwich generation,” balancing support for aging parents, siblings with disabilities, and their own children...
The relationship between siblings is one of the most enduring and multifaceted connections in life. For those with a sibling living with an intellectual or developmental disability, this bond can be especially profound. Siblings often take on roles that extend beyond friendship and familial...
Living a life of advocacy and adventure Around the Cedarwood Apartments in Crystal, Kelly Lee is known as the gal with a personality and smile that can light up a room. She is also a very independent woman who advocates for herself and others living with disabilities. “I am a person with cerebral...
I was thrilled to join the Hammer & NER Board of Directors in January. Participating on the Board, Program Committee, and Advocacy Committee comes with a learning curve, however, not without wonderful support from other volunteers and staff members. The Hammer & NER Vision and Strategic...
Andy’s journey with Hammer & NER Many people who live in our apartment programs and are used to living more independently are now “dancing a bit slower” as they age. When their health needs become more complex, the reality is that they will need to move to a group home where they can receive a...
Walking Alongside Those We Support to Raise Their Voices We had a GREAT day during Disability Services Day at the Capitol on Tuesday. About 100 people from Hammer & NER were in attendance including those we support, their staff, family members, Board members, and volunteers. We really know how...
In honor of Hammer’s 100th anniversary and NER’s 50th anniversary, we have published Legacies, a special anniversary magazine, celebrating our history, the people we have supported, and those who have made our mission possible all these years. Here is one of the featured stories: Ann...
In honor of Hammer’s 100th anniversary and NER’s 50th anniversary, we have published Legacies, a special anniversary magazine, celebrating our history, the people we have supported, and those who have made our mission possible all these years. Here is one of the featured stories: Bob...
By Mary Gaasch, Director of Advocacy & Community Relations U.S. Representative Dean Phillips volunteered as a Direct Support Professional (DSP) at our Carlson group home in Wayzata on Monday. During his visit, Rep. Phillips worked with the people we support to serve them lunch and cleaned up...
We Need Legislative Change & Support By Mary Gaasch, Director of Advocacy and Community Relations In October, Jacob Snell, the Program Manager for our west metro (Hammer) Royal Oaks program and I attended ANCOR’s Policy Summit in Washington, DC. ANCOR (American Network of Community Options and...
Make sure your vote counts! This year, all of our statewide offices are up for re-election. We’ve also had redistricting this year, which means big changes in many districts. Legislators who are re-elected will get to know new districts, and Hammer and NER will have upwards of 50+ new...
Written by: Frances Matejcek, Hammer Advocacy intern, Macalester College student Francis joined other volunteers from the “This Is Medicaid” campaign to call voters in key states to preserve Medicaid and oppose the proposed Medicaid cuts in the healthcare bill. The bill has since...
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