
The Essential Role of Siblings

The relationship between siblings is one of the most enduring and multifaceted connections in life. For those with a sibling living with an intellectual or developmental disability, this bond can be especially profound. Siblings often take on roles that extend beyond friendship and familial...

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Josiah’s Story

Any parent has likely heard the phrase, “the days are long, but the years are short.” The years may be short, but my son, Josiah, definitely isn’t! It seems like just yesterday he was a tiny toddler running around the house and now I have an 18-year-old young man who is almost as tall as me (I’m...

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A Family Affair

Here is the featured cover story of our summer Discoveries magazine.  Decades of devotion have nurtured a fulfilling life To meet the Smith family is to witness the meaning of love and devotion. In addition to raising their own six children, Gary and Shirley Smith welcomed 12 foster children into...

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Service & Legacy

In honor of Hammer’s 100th anniversary and NER’s 50th anniversary, we have published Legacies, a special anniversary magazine, celebrating our history, the people we have supported, and those who have made our mission possible all these years. Here is one of the featured stories: Barb Tuckner (on...

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