Celebrating Our CareGivers–December 2022

Celebrating Our CareGivers–December 2022

Congratulations to Stacey Iverson and Cathy Pigg!

Each month, we ask our west metro (Hammer) and east metro (NER) Program Directors to nominate Direct Support Professionals and Lead Direct Support Professionals on their team who are going above and beyond to make a difference in the lives of those they serve. One nominee from Hammer and one from NER are selected and receive a $25 gift card of their choice.


Stacey Iverson

Stacey Iverson – Lead Direct Support Professional at our west metro (Hammer) Black Oaks home
Stacey encourages the four people we serve at Black Oaks to participate in activities around the house including helping with meals, playing games, and choosing what they watch on TV. She also makes sure they get to church on Tuesdays. “Since we are usually single staffed, it takes more effort to keep the ladies happy and engaged in doing the things they enjoy,” says Program Manager Jill Kunze. “Stacey has also organized a couple Christmas light shows for the ladies at Black Oaks to visit, which they are really excited about.”

Jill says Stacey is very person centered and has a wonderful relationship with all the ladies at Black Oaks.  “They often ask when she is coming in next. When Stacey goes on vacation, it is a daily question until she gets back.”

Since COVID-19, Stacey has worked overtime to help cover the open hours at the house. “This has been so incredibly helpful for consistency and for me, as the manager, to have those hours covered every week,” Jill says.

Stacey is greatly appreciated at Black Oaks for her care of the people we serve and for always letting them be themselves.

Cathy Pigg

Cathy Pigg  Direct Support Professional at our east metro (NER) Rollingview home
Cathy Pigg is a DSP at our east metro (NER) Rollingview home. Her Program Manager, Bode Ogunfowora, says Cathy is always person-centered and is very good at engaging the people we support in activities during her shift. “She goes the extra mile in making the people we support feel amazing,” Bode says. Cathy also happens to have a knack for decorating. “Cathy does all the decorations at Rollingview each season with the help of the people we support,” Bode says. “They always look forward to doing arts and crafts and decorations with her.”

Cathy is known as a team player and completes tasks in a timely manner. “She works hard and brings a positive energy to the home,” Bode says. “Cathy always focuses the care she provides on the needs of the people we support. We are lucky to have her on our Rollingview team.”

Thank you, Stacey and Cathy, for your excellence and dedication to those we serve. 

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