Celebrating Our CareGivers–April 2022

Celebrating Our CareGivers–April 2022

Congratulations to Rosaline Williams & Rita Tri!

Now, more than ever, it’s important to recognize, thank, and celebrate all of our dedicated caregivers. Each month, we’ll be asking Program Directors to nominate DSPs and APMs on their team who are going above and beyond to make a difference in the life (or lives) of those they serve. One nominee from the west metro area (Hammer) and one from the east metro area (NER) will be selected each month and will receive their choice of a $25 gift card to Starbucks, Target, Holiday, or Cub Foods.

Rosaline Williams – APM at Royal Oaks Apartments (west metro)
Nominated by Program Director
Kelly Bosch
Rosaline has worked for Hammer for over six years. She works hard to have a relationship with every individual at Royal Oaks. Every one of them trusts her and go to her with questions. She always completes all tasks with a smile on her face. When the PM is gone, Rosaline can handle anything that happens at Royal Oaks. She is the glue that holds it all together. She problem solves well and is proactive on job duties. She communicates very well, too! Rosaline is amazing and cares a lot about our individuals. She makes sure to listen to them and hear what is going on in their lives and makes their lives better on a daily basis.

Program Manager, Jacob Snell, says that Rosaline is a rock star at Royal Oaks. “She helps with all things medical, grocery shopping with our folks, and hair appointments,” he says. “Our individuals look to her for answers and guidance when they need it in their lives. She is our rock at Royal Oaks.”

Rita Tri – DSP at our Belmont home (east metro)
Nominated by Program Coordinator Carrie Anderson
Rita impacts the lives of each of the individuals we serve, every time she works a shift. She is very attentive, hardworking, takes them to appointments when needed, makes sure they have clean clothes and bedding, does projects with them, and takes them on walks. Rita makes sure she spends 1:1 time with the people we support during every shift she works.

Carrie Anderson says Rita is a very hard worker and likes to stay busy. “Rita always has a smile on her face and can turn a bad day into a great day for the people we support,” Carrie says. “She is very attentive to the needs of the ladies here at Belmont and is dedicated to them. Everyone loves when Rita is on the schedule—they get very excited when she is coming in. Rita has worked with NER since 2018.

Thank you Rosaline and Rita for ALL you do each day to support the individuals we serve. 

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