Reach for Ralph Sponsor Highlight: Twin City Heating and Air

Reach for Ralph Sponsor Highlight: Twin City Heating and Air

By Angela Bernhardt, Director of Major Gifts

Julie and Mickey

Hammer Residences is excited to welcome Twin City Heating and Air as a new sponsor of Hammer’s Reach for Ralph event.

There’s a family connection between Hammer and Twin City Heating and Air. Business owner Wymond Wong’s wife, Julie Wesley-Wong, is a new member of Hammer’s Board of Directors, and her brother, Mickey, lives at a Hammer home.

“My connection with Hammer began when my brother Mickey moved into Hammer’s Boys Floor in 1978, when he was 11 years old, and I was 12. It has been more than 40 years since that big day, and I’m glad to say that Mickey leads a happy life at Hammer, full of people he loves,” says Julie. “Mom taught us that all people matter, to treat people as you’d like to be treated, and that Mickey deserves to live a full life just like everyone else. I’m pleased that as my husband’s company has grown, Twin City Heating and Air is able to sponsor Reach for Ralph.”

Wymond Wong and his team at Twin City Heating and Air are committed to exceptional customer service and are in the business of serving people, not equipment. This focus on relationships is one of the reasons why Wymond was named Entrepreneur of the Year at the 2017 Business Excellence Awards in Houston, Texas, and was a finalist in the Best Community Impact category.

“I have worked to establish not only a great company, but to serve the community and give back. We are proud to support Hammer Residences and individuals served such as Mickey.”


You can support and celebrate all abilities! Become a supporter of Reach for Ralph. The full and meaningful life that Mickey has enjoyed since 1978 at Hammer is only possible because of financial donations. Please consider becoming a supporter of Reach for Ralph. Sponsorships for the July 11 event begin at $750. Call Angela Bernhardt at 952-345-8519 or email Angela@Hammer.org for more information.

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