
Stock Gifts Are A Win-Win!

You and Hammer & NER both win when you donate appreciated stock. You may get a tax deduction (consult your tax accountant first) for the full value of the stock, as long as you have owned it for more than 12 months. You do not have to pay long-term capital gains on the amount the stock has...

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Joe Counts on You!

I’m going to be blunt. My son counts on you. Joe needs you now, today, and every day of the year. Later I am going to ask you to become a monthly donor. But first, I want to introduce you to my son who, like everyone served by Hammer & NER needs our consistent and dependable financial support....

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And the Band Played On

Vern Steffel has always loved to make people smile. As the band leader of the Whoopie John Band Orchestra, he played venues across the upper Midwest and as far away as Bavaria. With a focus on old-time music, primarily polka, the band played to standing-room only audiences until 2004 when it came...

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Jon is Thriving Because of You!

Thanks to Donors Like YOU Jon is Doing Well. The past two years have been tough for many people. For my brother, Jon, it was particularly devastating. In March, 2020, Vonnie Olson, our mom, had a heart attack and died. 79 days later Pastor Orville Olson, our father, died of Covid. Jon was stunned...

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