Traveling the Road Together

Traveling the Road Together

Specialized training supports aging in place

(Program Manager, Edith Ndikum, (above) includes Patty in daily conversation and activities. Advanced training helps staff understand the changing needs of the individual)

In the months ahead, we will roll out specialized training and the co-op structure to our East metro programs. This is part of our Second Century project which is already in full swing in the West metro. Specialized training topics are assigned to specific homes based on the needs of the individuals supported. Co-ops are sets of two-three homes within a squad, which is typically eight homes. Employees are also assigned to the related co-op. Our Learning Management System assigns all related specialized training to employees within that co-op.

Nurse Cindy Garin has cared for Patty as she has aged for over 18 years

Specialized training is determined by several factors including skills required; complexity of care; severity of need; equipment involved; and uniqueness of the need. Jesse Moravec, Hammer & NER’s Training and Education Lead, says the specialized trainings help introduce staff to some of the extra needs at each specific home and co-op. “I’m providing basic, easy-to-digest information in an engaging and interactive manner so staff can be as prepared as possible to know what they’re walking into,” he says. If a needed specialized training is not in our library catalogue, a request is made to develop one. These training modules are short, informational snippets that provide employees with a starting point, and in some cases, a first exposure to a topic prior to or during shadowing at a home. The average length of a specialized training module is 10 minutes.

Currently, we have about 15 specialized training modules and we continue to add more (another 20 on the way). Since each home has different needs, they require a varied number of modules. Topics range from Alzheimer’s/Dementia to Fragile X and Hoyer Lifts to Specialized Tubs. Regardless of title or experience level, these modules are valuable learning for all. I recently reviewed a module on feeding tubes. During my career I have received training and assisted people with this, but not once did I truly understand the difference between a G-Tube and a J-Tube! Or that they could be dual purposed.

One of the more highly selected training modules is Alzheimer’s/Dementia. This module has been helpful for some of our less experienced staff as it introduces a sensitive and emotional topic. They are more prepared to provide support for the people we serve. It is currently assigned to 15 of our programs. As we move through 2024, we will update the training needs at each home.

Brenda Barthel is one of our Program Directors on the West side. When she served as Program Manager at our Zachary home, she received specialized training on dementia and Alzheimer’s. She shared some feedback:

“It was so helpful to learn what it is like for people who suffer with it (dementia) and what the world looks like through their eyes,” Brenda says. “We learned that through the process of decline, they will lose themselves and become dependent on us and at some point, we will have to know them well enough to know what they want and need. It taught us how we can help them with whatever they may be going through.”

Our East metro programs and employees will complete these specialized training modules throughout the summer. It is our goal to meet our mission by not only investing in our employees but enhancing the support of those people we serve.

Jerry LeVasseur is a Director of Program Services at Hammer & NER.

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