Cooks in the Kitchen Expands to White Bear Lake

Cooks in the Kitchen Expands to White Bear Lake

Volunteer Resources Manager Julie Huffcutt with volunteer Pat Lutz

Calling all volunteers! Get ready to put on your aprons and grab your frying pans because an exciting volunteer opportunity is now also available in the east metro at our White Bear Lake office. If you and your friends enjoy cooking and are passionate about making a positive impact for the individuals we support, then Cooks in the Kitchen is the perfect volunteer experience for you.

Cooks in the Kitchen started back in 2021, in the kitchen at our Wayzata office, that provided hot meals to individuals living in four of our group homes. Launching this opportunity was a major endeavor. It began with staff members piloting the program, cooking the meals, and working out all the kinks. Once those were resolved, new and existing volunteers stepped in. They included Medica, Business Essentials, our Thursday Ladies, and groups of friends. The volunteers would cook and assemble, then staff would deliver the meals to our homes.

When the word got out, the volunteer opportunity started to gain traction and interest grew. Now people from church committees, groups of friends, and corporate groups alike come to volunteer for Cooks in the Kitchen.

Volunteers Chuck and Sandy from Anderson & Associates

Fast forward to 2024. The next exciting challenge was to expand Cooks in the Kitchen to the east side of town, so volunteers living near our White Bear Lake office could easily join in the fun. The first step was to get the space in the lower level of the east office building set up for cooking meals. A stove and an additional refrigerator were installed to create a fully functional kitchen. Essential items like pots, pans, cooking utensils, and staple kitchen ingredients were purchased to stock the cupboards. Next step was to recruit volunteers, and Joanie Purrington (a longtime Northeast Residence board member and ambassador) was just the person to help. She brought a group of her friends to cook and get us started! They are now known as Joanie’s Gems.

The process runs seamlessly. Tried and true recipes are printed off each week from a collection of favorites. Ingredients are ordered through Instacart and delivered to the office. Once the supplies arrive, Diane Campbell, front desk receptionist, puts the food away in the kitchen. Julie Huffcutt is Hammer & NER’s Volunteer Manager and oversees the program. She then steps in and is the organizer of the day, making sure the kitchen is set up and ready for the volunteers to cook.Cooks in the Kitchen is truly a collaborative effort to prepare wonderful meals for some of our homes and the people we support,” she says.

Volunteer Vicki Huffcutt

When Wednesday rolls around the volunteers arrive and the kitchen is all set. They are warmly welcomed and given some instruction if needed. The cooking process takes a couple of hours. Volunteers prepare ingredients, and the wonderful smell of a home-cooked meal travels through the office. Volunteers assemble the meals in containers and label them for our staff members to deliver to the homes. Now, the only thing left to do are the dishes!

Cooks in the Kitchen is a wonderful experience. The recipes are easy, and I love that the individuals we are cooking for live in the group homes in the community. It is nice to know who you are cooking for is not being shipped away. – Vickie, Volunteer

If you are interested in volunteering, reach out to Julie at Julie.Huffcutt@hammer.org

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