Members of the Plymouth Lions dropped off their donation in 2018.
“The Plymouth Lions LOVE Hammer Residences because the people who live there are fantastic and those who work there are dedicated, loving people. Together, we make Plymouth one of the best places to live! Thank you for all you do!” -Katie Trafton, President of the Plymouth Lions
There are more than 1,400,000 members of 46,000 local Lions Clubs around the world. With the motto of “We Serve” they are part of a global network of volunteers working together to make a difference in their communities and around the world. The Lions Club of Plymouth, Minnesota has donated $71,250 to Hammer Residences over the years, amazing! Their most recent gift will be used to support our upcoming Reach for Ralph event on June 22, 2023. Hammer is proud to have the support of the Plymouth Lions. Thank you!
You can support and celebrate all abilities! Become a supporter of Reach for Ralph. Please consider being a lead donor; donating an item or gift card to our silent auction; becoming a sponsor. Contact Angela at 952-345-8519 or email ABernhardt@Hammer.org to make a difference.

Members of the Plymouth Lions at the 2019 Hammer Spring Breakfast.

The Lions were acknowledged on stage at the 2019 Hammer Spring Breakfast for all they make possible.
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