Paws of Friendship

Seventeen Years of Love and Laughter with Lynn

Meet Bethany Collins, one of our Hammer & NER volunteers, who has grown a strong friendship with Lynn, who is supported at our Zealand apartments.

By Bethany Collins
Seventeen years ago, I set out on a journey that would change my life. I had just adopted a playful Australian Shepherd puppy, Chase, and I knew I wanted to get involved in animal therapy with him. After searching online, I found Hammer & NER. I was quickly drawn to the idea of pairing my new pup with someone who could benefit from his loving nature. Little did I know how profound this decision would be.

Bethany and Rex with Lynn

After completing the volunteer application, I was paired with Lynn. At first, our connection revolved around weekly Friday walks with Chase. Lynn took to Chase right away—her eyes would light up when she saw him, and she would smile and laugh at his silly antics. Although she was a bit shy with me at first, over time, something beautiful began to unfold. Our walks became the foundation of a friendship that has lasted nearly two decades.

Chase lived a long, wonderful life, almost 17 years. After he passed, I adopted Max, another Aussie, but sadly, we lost him to cancer at the age of seven. Now, we have Rex, a two-and-a-half-year-old ball of energy who came into our lives at just eight weeks old. Every memory I have of Lynn and these dogs is special. I know for certain they have brought her so much joy. She always laughs and says, “They kissed me! They really like me!” It’s those moments of pure happiness that mean the most.

The adorable Rex

As our friendship grew, so did our time together. Lynn now comes to my house for Sunday dinners, where she gets plenty of dog licks and love. Over meals, we talk about her week—living at Zealand, working at Staybridge, and her Monday bowling sessions. My husband, Larry, has also formed a bond with her, as have our neighbors and their dogs. Spending time with Lynn reminds me to stay grateful. I know our time together is the highlight of her week, and it warms my heart to think of the small but meaningful impact we’ve had on each other’s lives.

It’s a privilege to volunteer with Hammer & NER, where the simple joys of shared meals, laughter, and the love of a dog can brighten someone’s day. Volunteering not only makes a difference in Lynn’s life but enriches mine as well. To bring joy and friendship to someone living with disabilities is an incredibly rewarding experience, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

If you’re interested in learning more about volunteering at Hammer & NER, please visit hammer.org/volunteer



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