

Stay Informed and Take Action!

You can easily sign up to receive our advocacy alerts on issues that are important to the disabilities community, find your district, your legislator, and also send emails to your legislator through our Advocacy Alert Portal.

Your involvement and your voice make a difference! We will keep you informed on relevant legislative matters that affect the people we support as well as the direct support professionals who provide that care.

For more information contact Mike Siebenaler at 952-277-2427 or Michael.Siebenaler@hammer.org



Get Involved

With your help, we continue to advocate for home and community-based services.

Together, we can help implement change in legislation for caregivers to make it possible for people with developmental and other disabilities to live their best life. People with disabilities deserve to be supported by well-trained and compensated staff, along with the opportunity to be engaged and active in their communities. You can help make that difference.

Advocate for the people we support by making phone calls to your representative, sending emails, and letters, and/or joining us at Disability Day at the Capitol. We also have partnerships with ARRM, Arc, This Is Medicaid, and many other national and state advocacy groups.

Sign up to receive advocacy alerts to stay informed

Join Us. Your Voice Matters!

Our Partners


We know that when our staff, volunteers, board members, families, and community partners come together, we are a powerful force to advocate for change. Together, we can impact legislation that improves the lives of the people we support, as well as the broader disability community.

Our advocacy efforts aim to bring together our main stakeholder groups (including self- advocates) to support and bring change that improves the lives of the people we support. We all must advocate for people with disabilities because they have the right to receive quality services to maintain their dignity to live their best life.

Hear our Voice