
Thank You to All Our Donors

View Our Donor Listings

Legacy Giving

“Our son Ryan lives at Holdridge residence.  He’s very happy there, and the staff are like having extra parents for him!  Honestly, it’s reassuring for us to know he has such a supportive living environment.  We won’t be around forever, but Hammer & NER will!

At a past Annual Breakfast, I learned of another family’s decision to name Hammer & NER as beneficiary of their estate. This led me to change the beneficiary of the Supplemental Needs Trust, set up 30 years ago, so that Hammer & NER will receive those funds when Ryan no longer needs them.”

– Steve Kastendieck, Family member


 Employee Giving

“My wife Phelomina (deceased) and I have been working at Hammer & NER for nearly 30 years. Our 3 children worked here also. In 2005 we decided to sign up for payroll deduction and donate every month.
As program managers we had a unique insight into how our organization impacts the people we support, and we are proud to support our mission.”
– Michael Bryant

All 2023 Donors

Our generous donors who contributed in 2023. We are grateful for your support.


Employee Giving

Our donors who are employees choose to donate through their paycheck each month.

Legacy Givers

Supporters who have included us in their estate plans to assure our success long into the future.

Lifetime Giving Legends

Lifetime Giving Legends are donors who have generously given over $50,000 during their lifetime.

We Are Grateful. Thank You.

Being a loyal donor helps open doors and unlock possibilities for everyone we support today, tomorrow, and into the future. With your continued support we are able to fulfill our mission of enabling people with disabilities to live meaningful, self-directed lives.